Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> Of course it's true that if you re-implement every service of every
> supported operating system yourself, you get a more portable system.
> But in that case, perhaps someone should start the PostgrOS project.
> (It's a database! No, it's an operating system! No, it's a
> data-based operating environment! Wait. Someone already did that:
> PICK. Nice system, but not SQL.)
MaVerick apparently implements something Pick-like on top of
PostgreSQL... <>
And IBM Universe and UniData *do* make this into SQL...
And it's also worth considering that we have array types that support
something Like MV, although that's quite a separate debate.
Or perhaps not; let me suggest the thought that it would be more
worthwhile to examine the notion of adding MV SQL keywords to PostgreSQL
than it would be to try adding a batch scheduler...
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Rules of the Evil Overlord #47. "If I learn that a callow youth has
begun a quest to destroy me, I will slay him while he is still a
callow youth instead of waiting for him to mature."