On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 09:57:49PM -0700, Sean Chittenden wrote:
> I hate to point this out, but "TIP 4" is getting a bit old and the 6
> tips that we throw out to probably about 40K people about 1-200
> times a day have probably reached saturation. Without looking at
> the archives, I bet anyone a shot of good scotch that, it's probably
> pretty infrequent that people don't kill -9 their postmasters.
> Any chance we could flush out the TIPs at the bottom to include,
> "VACUUM ANALYZE your database regularly," or "When reporting a
> problem, include the output from EXPLAIN [query]," or "ANALYZE
> tables before examining the output from an EXPLAIN [query]," or
> "Visit [url] for a tutorial on (schemas|triggers|views)."
Better yet, have TIPs that are appropriate to the subscribed
list. -performance has different posting guidelines, things to try,
etc. than does -bugs, than does -sql (than does -hackers, than does
-interfaces, ...).
I don't know how feasible it is to separate them out, but i think it's
worth looking into.