On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 18:09:31 +0100, Sjors <jkwast@freeler.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> Being not able to grasp in full sql, I've decided to call on the list. I've got a table with points, place_id and
distancebetween points and place_id. For each point there can be more place_id's but I want to selesct the one with the
minimumdistance. Now I can group by the points and select the min(distance) but I can't do this if place_id is
involved.I used a statment like this:
> Select points, place_id, distance from table
> group by points, place_id, distance
> having count(*)>1 and distance=(select min(distance) from table
How about:
select distinct on (points) points, place_id, distance from table
order by points, distance;