I have a library that I wrote under OpenBSD and built with no problem for years.. but as I'm porting to darwin, I'm
noticingsome .. unpleasend behavioure during final linking on a Mac OS 10.2.4 sytem . please point out any
first versions..
xpi@ryoku:mutilities>psql -V <xpi
psql (PostgreSQL) 7.3.1
built locally with --no-readline as it's only configure option
and gcc 3.1..
root@ryoku:src>uname -a <root
Darwin ryoku 6.3 Darwin Kernel Version 6.3: Sat Dec 14 03:11:25 PST 2002; root:xnu/xnu-344.23.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC Power
Please note that it doesn't bomb after -lpq , as it would if it were an unreadable/invalid library name
xpi@ryoku:mutilities>make test <xpi
gcc -O -pipe -Wall -g -Dbugs -I/Users/xpi/tmpsrc/lib/mutilities -L/Users/xpi/tmpsrc/lib/mutilities -Dpthreads
-Ddarwin-I/usr/local/pgsql/include -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -lpq -lpq mutil.o maintest.c
ld: Undefined symbols:
*** Error code 1
just to make life difficult for my typo's:
root@ryoku:lib>nm libpq.a | grep _PQclear <root U _PQclear
000006a0 T _PQclear U _PQclear
root@ryoku:lib>pwd <root /usr/local/pgsql/lib
thank you for your time,