On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 06:13:39PM -0500, Agrawal, Manish wrote:
> 1. At the end of the installation I briefly get the message:
> Administrator unknown, invalid user. I also did not get a prompt
> asking for a password. But I do have a user called Administrator in
> the group Administrators.
The above seems to imply that /etc/passwd and /etc/group were not
created correctly. Does the PgSQL731wina1.exe installer execute the
mkpasswd -l >/etc/passwd
mkgroup -l >/etc/group
> 2. When I type pg_ctl start on the Pgsql command shell, I get the
> message: $FATAL: File /data/PG_VERSION is missing. This is not a valid
> data directory.
The above seems to imply that either PGDATA is not defined correctly or
that initdb was not run. Does the PgSQL731wina1.exe installer do these
steps too?
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