On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 01:57:39 -0700,
Rick Gigger <rick@alpinenetworking.com> wrote:
> Is there an embedded version of postgres that I could compile into a desktop
> app? I would just use embedded mysql but I don't want to GPL my code or pay
> them for a licence, plus all of the code was already built for postgres
> server.
You might want to look into this issue more carefully. If your application just
uses a gpl program you don't have to gpl your application since it is a separate
application. If you were actually making changes to the database AND
distributing it then the changes would need to be gpl'd. Even then there
might be a loophole for an embedded modified database server since you
wouldn't necessarily be seen as distributing the binaries if the customers
didn't have access to them.