Hello All,
I am using too many subqueries in my queries. I have read some
FAQs that using EXISTS is faster than IN. Is that correct?? I
tried to get the total runtime using EXPLAIN ANALYZE, but i got
total runtime for the query with IN but not for the query with
query with IN:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE Select * from bom where depot_id in ( SELECT
depot_id from depot where company_name ='SOME' );
query with EXISTS:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE Select * from bom WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT depot_id
from depot where company_name ='SOME' and depot.depot_id =
bom.depot_id );
I read the same for using with select count(*)...is too slow. How
to replace for that??
Moreover, what are the other things one should take care of
regarding reducing the time taken by the queries??
Thanks in advance.