On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, Jules Alberts wrote:
> Now I'm building a PHP function that creates an HTML form to change one
> row of table CUSTOMER. It's a generic function, it should work on any
> table, and it should be able to recognise if a row references another
> table, so that a pulldown list can be created dynamically. In this case
> a pulldown with all COUNTRY codes in it.
> code [ ]
> name [ ]
> country [pick one...[V]
> So what I'm looking for is a query that will tell me that row A of
> table B references row X of table Y. How would I do this?
I think someone just recently sent a function to the -sql (I think) list
to get the foreign key constraint information and I know that such
functions have been sent in the past so the archives and
techdocs.postgresql.org may be some help.