Sorry folks it's me once again. The following method from DatabaseMetaData.java (v 1.48 JDBC2 compliant) excludes tables that have rules attached to it.
private static final String getTableTypes[][] = {
{"TABLE", "(relkind='r' and relhasrules='f' and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xinv')"},
{"VIEW", "(relkind='v' and relname !~ '^pg_')"},
{"INDEX", "(relkind='i' and relname !~ '^pg_')"},
{"SEQUENCE", "(relkind='S' and relname !~ '^pg_')"},
{"SYSTEM TABLE", "(relkind='r' and relname ~ '^pg_')"},
{"SYSTEM INDEX", "(relkind='i' and relname ~ '^pg_')"}
I don't think this is right because getTables() should essentially mimic the behavior of psql's \dt
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