I am using Postgresql-7.1 with RedHat Linux-7.1 and
JDK-1.3.1. I am having a table named 'inv_table' with
a field 'inv_date' of datatype 'varchar'. But, the
field contains the records in the format
'05-10-02(dd-MM-yy)'. I created a view to take the
field like:
'select inv_date::text::date from inv_table'. It
fetches the date field in the format
'2002-05-10(yyyy-MM-dd)'. ie, 'dd' part of the string
is taken as the 'MM' here and vice versa. But, this
fetching works fine for dates above '12-10-2002'.
Is there a way to specify the format of the string in
the 'Select' query itself. Please help me. thanks.
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