If you want to get the max (CPU) performance and use gcc, you should give the -fprofile-arcs / -fbranch-probabilties
optionsof gcc 3.2 a try.
For 50 pgbench read-only runs (1 mio tuples, 40000 txs, 10 clients) I get 14.4% speedup.
Then I tried it with real data from our production system.
This is 2GB data, 120 tables, but most of the data is large object data (1.8GB), so most tables of the database are
in-memoryand the application is more cpu bound.
With this scenario, I still get 8% improvement.
All tests done on an Athlon XP/1500, 768MB RAM, Linux 2.4.19, gcc 3.2, 5400 RPM Maxtor.
Might be worth a try. Probably the performance win will be smaller for larger databases.
Mario Weilguni