> > Without flames whats the story there? For example I read an interviwew
> > this week (on the web, cant recall where) where an guy from SUN briefly
> > mentioned putting MySQL up Oracle, in the context of providing a
> > complete package...
> I think once Sun does some investigation they'll decide PG is a better
> choice ;-). It could well be that Sun themselves said no such thing,
> and the article's reference to MySQL is a flight of the reporter's
> fancy.
Agreed, however, I think this is Sun trying to get at low end DB users
who would otherwise use a Wintel/M$-SQL instead of a UNIX/Sun based
solution. Since Sun sells hardware, they'll win either way as the DB
grows. I'd read the reporter missed their bit and the article as a
UNIX vs. MS bit and not an Oracle vs MySQL bit. -sc
Sean Chittenden