CVSROOT: /cvsroot
Module name: pgsql
Changes by: 02/07/20 01:57:31
Modified files:
src/bin/psql : describe.c
Log message:
I can't remember who said they were working on schema related psql
changes, but I kept finding myself wishing I could see what schema a
table or view exists in when I use \dt, \dv, etc. So, here is a patch
which does just that.
It sorts on "Schema" first, and "Name" second.
It also changes the test for system objects to key off the namespace
name starting with 'pg_' instead of the object name.
Sample output:
test=# create schema testschema;
test=# create view testschema.ts_view as select 1;
test=# \dv
List of relations
Name | Schema | Type | Owner
__testpassbyval | public | view | postgres
fooview | public | view | postgres
master_pg_proc | public | view | postgres
rmt_pg_proc | public | view | postgres
vw_dblink_get_pkey | public | view | postgres
vw_dblink_replace | public | view | postgres
ts_view | testschema | view | postgres
(7 rows)
Joe Conway