On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 05:43:28PM -0300, Robson Martins wrote:
> What err ???
> SELECT RazaoSocial + ' - ' + Iif(Bairro Is Null,'',Bairro + ' ') + CGCCli As Coluna FROM Clientes WHERE RazaoSocial
This looks like some other dialect of SQL, not SQL92 (nor PostGreSQL).
I _think_ you want something like:
SELECT RazaoSocial || ' - ' || COALESCE(Bairro || ' ', '') || CGCCli As
Coluna FROM Clientes WHERE RazaoSocial Like '%A%';
The differences are that the text concatenation operator is '||', not '+',
and COALESCE(), which returns it's first non-NULL parameter.
Note that this is _not_ an ADMIN question: it belongs on NOVICE.
Ross Reedstrom, Ph.D. reedstrm@rice.edu
Executive Director phone: 713-348-6166
Gulf Coast Consortium for Bioinformatics fax: 713-348-6182
Rice University MS-39
Houston, TX 77005