> One of the problems the driver has is that it fetches the
> entire query before returning which could be problematic. I kind of like
> the idea of some sort of cache for the query if it is large. Something
> along the idea of a lazy load, where we would initially return the first
> couple of pages, and then if the user scrolled down we would fetch
> another couple of pages. If it were "really smart" it would only keep a
> window of information in memory. That being said this may be an
> opportunity to make the driver better too!
Which, recursively, is why the application should use JDBC if possible.
Nothing improves a driver like having an application pushing it, and
vice versa.
> writing the code so that it could be either a web
> application, or a GUI application. I think that is a real attainable
> goal using java.
I think this could be handled by creating an explicit beans layer,
with iterators (cursors) supporting lazy loads, and then swing,
JSP, and whatever just use that layer as much as possible.