On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 05:25:02PM -0400, mlw wrote:
> A binary version of PostgreSQL for Windows should not use the cygwin
> dll. I know and understand there is some disagreement with this position,
> but in this I'm sure about this.
Sorry, but I'm not going to touch the above -- even with a ten foot pole.
Or, at least try not to... :,)
> I believe we can use the cygwin development environment, and direct gcc
> not to link with the cygwin dll. Last time I looked it was a command line
> option. This will produce a native windows application. No emulation,
> just a standard C runtime.
Yes, the above mentioned option is "-mno-cygwin".
> Some of the hits will be file path manipulation, '/' vs '\', the notion of
> drive letters, and case insensitivity in file names.
Case insensitivity is typically "enabled" regardless. Unless you are
referring to CYGWIN=check_case:strict, but almost no one uses this setting.
Just to be explicit, another hit will be the loss of Posix.
> [snip]
> I think a huge time savings can be had by avoiding rewriting everything
> for the Microsoft build environment.
Yes, you should use Cygwin and gcc -mno-cygwin or MSYS and Mingw.
> As far as I know, and please correct me if I'm wrong, code produced by
> the cygwin gcc is freely distributable and need not be GPL.
The above is true only with gcc -mno-cygwin or Mingw code. Any code
produced by the normal Cygwin gcc (and hence, linked against cygwin1.dll)
is effectively GPL'd or at least required to be open source.
> [snip]