Volker Klemann (volkerk@gfz-potsdam.de) reports a bug with a severity of 2
The lower the number the more severe it is.
Short Description
case sensitivity in pg_dumpall
Long Description
Dear people from postgres,
Don't know if I am the first where this bug appeared:
While updating from 7.1.2 to 7.2 I used pg_dumpall to dump
my data as recommended by the INSTALL manual.
When re-instaling the database using
psql -d template1 -f dumpfile
I got the error
\connect: FATAL 1: Database "rsl" does not exist in the system catalog.
The corresponding lines in the script produced by pg_dumpall are:
46 \connect RSL volkerk
So, while considering upper and lower cases in 45: using collons
the program missed them in 46:, and tried to log into rsl instead of RSL.
Took me some time to find it, because first 'was searching for
inconsistencies, in the new installation.
Best wishes,
Volker Klemann
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