CVSROOT: /cvsroot
Module name: pgsql
Changes by: 02/03/21 11:02:16
Modified files:
doc/src/sgml : xfunc.sgml
src/backend/catalog: aclchk.c heap.c
src/backend/commands: command.c creatinh.c explain.c sequence.c
trigger.c vacuum.c view.c
src/backend/executor: execMain.c spi.c
src/backend/nodes: copyfuncs.c equalfuncs.c makefuncs.c
nodeFuncs.c outfuncs.c print.c readfuncs.c
src/backend/optimizer/util: clauses.c
src/backend/parser: analyze.c gram.y parse_agg.c parse_clause.c
parse_expr.c parse_func.c parse_node.c
parse_relation.c parse_target.c
src/backend/rewrite: rewriteDefine.c rewriteManip.c
src/backend/tcop: postgres.c pquery.c utility.c
src/backend/utils/adt: ruleutils.c
src/include/catalog: catversion.h
src/include/commands: command.h
src/include/nodes: makefuncs.h nodes.h parsenodes.h primnodes.h
src/include/parser: analyze.h parse_agg.h parse_expr.h
parse_func.h parse_relation.h
src/test/regress/expected: alter_table.out errors.out rules.out
src/test/regress/input: misc.source
src/test/regress/output: misc.source
Log message:
First phase of SCHEMA changes, concentrating on fixing the grammar and
the parsetree representation. As yet we don't *do* anything with schema
names, just drop 'em on the floor; but you can enter schema-compatible
command syntax, and there's even a primitive CREATE SCHEMA command.
No doc updates yet, except to note that you can now extract a field
from a function-returning-row's result with (foo(...)).fieldname.