The key thing you need to consider is what type of game state data will be
stored. Is a SQL RDBMS what you need? Usually that would be needed if you
have complex ways in which you need to access your data.
If you're looking for more of a storage/retrieval system, you might look at
an embedded database like berkeleydb ( For that purpose,
Berkeley DB will be faster and simpler, and take less disk space.
Assuming you need a SQL database, PostgreSQL is a great one.
If you give some quick examples of the kinds of queries you might be
performing, that would help a lot.
> I'm currently coding a game, using C++ and OpenGL. I need to store
> the game state data into a database, and heard alot of positive
> things about PostgreSQL. As this is a game, speed is critical. I'm
> going to do alot of writing to the database, but seldom much reading
> from it, so I'm mostly interested in write-speeds.
> Does anyone have an idea if Postgresql could suit my needs, or should
> I look into other databases (mysql for instance) ?