Av "OID" ing working - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Roy Cabaniss
Subject Av "OID" ing working
Msg-id 200202191529.g1JFTlm01619@cabanisspc.uamont.edu
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-general
Using postgresql 7.1.3 with phpPgAdmin 2.4.1-beta and phplib.

I have been working on this for more than a while and am getting more and
more confused.  It has to be something relatively simple that I am missing
but I cannot find it in simple english in any of the manuals thus far.   That
includes the two online books ( Momjian and Worsley/Drake).  (BTW, I use SuSE
and since suse has this habit of storing things in non-standard places I have
been reluctant to upgrade to 7.2)

The problem deals with storing and accessing binaries (images).

What I have is a simple table which I created using the following:

create table product (item_no int4, name varchar(32), description text, image

And with no problem, the table was created.  I then went to insert some data
into this table initially with phpPgAdmin.  But I never could get phpPgAdmin
to take the data when I tried to put something in the image field, regardless
of format.  Since the format for finding an image springs from lo_import as
opposed to simple data, I was not overly surprised by this.

Go to manual sql and give it the following:

insert into product values

And lo and behold, it works.  (no real surprise there.)  To me this is not a
problem at all since I am going to be making dedicated input forms.  Anyway,
it has put the item into the product table.  When I go to look at the table
with a simple "Select * from product;" I get what I expected to see....

Item_no       name            description                    image

 3           fish        deadfish                       20744

With the image column giving me back that oid reference number.

I will mention that I am using phplib for authentication and to generate the
table, but it is simple sql at this point.  Now for the problem... I want to
see that image in a table.  Since

select * from product;

is just going to give me the oid reference numbers I would like to see this
actual pictures in the table.

I have tried many variants of

$db2 = new DB_Example;
$db2->query("select lo_export(product.image, '/tmp/outimage.jpg') from
$t2 = new Table;
$t2->heading = "on";

with no results.  (the code I use to simply view the table is

$db = new DB_Example;
$db->query("select * from product");
$t = new Table;
$t->heading = "on";

If it matters.

All help greatly appreciated.  And I am sure that this is something that
folks would like to see in the reference.

Dr. Roy F. Cabaniss
Associate Professor of Business
University of Arkansas Monticello

pgsql-general by date:

From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: pg_dump correct version?
From: "Robert Treat"
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