I wonder if this is an oversight in the design of the PgDatabase
class, or if I'm missing something, or doing something wrong.
Say I have two unrelated tables with fields witht the same name
(e.g., table Employees, with a field Name, and table Departments,
also with a field Name). I have a SELECT statement that returns
data from both tables, and I need both Name fields:
"select Emp.Name, Dept.Name from Emp, Dept where ....... "
Now, I (obviously) want to use GetValue (row, "field_name") to
get the values.
If I try GetValue (row, "Name") I'm in trouble (it won't know
which one -- and notice that it's not a case of an inner join,
where the Name will happen to be the same), and if I do
GetValue (row, "Emp.Name"), it returns NULL -- and the name
lookup logs an message to stderr.
Is there a workaround? (excluding of course the rather infamous
possibility of using GetValue(int,int) directly... I have already
enough trouble with my natural bugs to be asking for more trouble