Hey, I decided to download and run beta5 through a few paces, and just ran
into something that I wouldn't think it good, but maybe it's expected.
I loaded a decent size database that we support. From within psql, I
performed a "select * from quesresp" which has 4.6 million rows. After doing
that, psql just started comsuming more and more memory until both my RAM, and
all my swap were full. I killed the query before I had any big problems.
From top I could see that psql was using close to 500M.
Is this expected behaviour?
Additional possibly relevant information.
testlang=# \d quesresp Table "quesresp" Column | Type |
---------------+------------------------+---------------------------------------------------id | integer
| not null default
nextval('quesresp_id_seq'::text)applicationid | integer | not nullquestionid | integer
|not nullanswerid | integer | not nullfreeformresp | character varying(255) |skillorder |
integer |
Unique keys: quesresp_app_ques_ans_sk_ndx, quesresp_pkey
testlang=# select version(); version
-------------------------------------------------------------PostgreSQL 7.2b5 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC
(1 row)
Stock Redhat 7.2 with all patches installed (2.4.9 kernel etc...)
Thanks much,
Matt O'Connor