On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 08:07:27PM +0530, Unnikrishnan Menon wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a couple of problems :
> 1. I create a temporary table using the following method within a function:
> query := ''Create table S_'' || nextval(sequence) || '' ( abc integer, xyz varchar)'';
> Execute query;
> This query does create a table. But when I'am unable to access the records in the table. I use the following
> a. Select xyz into variable from S_''|| nextval(sequence)||'' where abc = (some counter value) ;
> b. query1 := '' Select xyz as variable from S_''|| nextval(sequence)||'' where abc = (some counter value) '' ;
> Execute query1;
Right, because each one increments the sequence. Try substituting currentval().
Oh, and you might want to create the table as a temp table, in a transaction,
so it'll go aeway automatically for you at the end of the transaction.