I am a little stumped.
postgresql 7.1.3
suse linux 7
I have a database with
CREATE TABLE "fc_communication" ("acode" character varying(12),"conversation" text,"contactdate" date
CREATE TABLE "comm_date" ("lastcontact" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT 'now' NOT NULL,Constraint "comm_date_pkey"
PrimaryKey ("lastcontact")
When I update fc_communication I also (without a trigger) update
comm_date with a sep
update comm_date set lastcontact = 'now';
it works beautifully if I do a psql
'select * from comm_date;'
2002-01-08 16:16:03
I always get the last moment that someone updated the communications file
however what I want to do is:
SELECT to_char(lastcontact, 'Month DD, YYYY HH:MM') from comm_date;
January 08, 2002 04:01
why is this 04:01?
Every time I do this I get the very first date (that no longer exists).
Why do I get different results. I expect 'select *' is the base and
everything else is a varient.