On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 16:07:30 -0800
"Chris Sypolt" <csypolt@onlinemetals.com> wrote:
> Sorry - wasn't thinking.
Well it happens to me too...
This migth do it..
Select orders.*, shipments.*
from orders,shipments
where orders.orderid = shipments.orderid
and ShipDate(orders.orderdate) <= shipments.shipdate;
You then need a function (in plpg/Sql) to get the correct shipdate for an order.
(In ada)
function Shipdate(aDate : in Date) return date is
begin case Weekday(aDate) is when Mon..Fri => return aDate; when Sat => return aDate + 1; when Sun
=> return aDate + 2; end case;
end ShipDate;
You also need a function Weekday, to determine what day of week a given date is.
Zeller's Congruence is your friend here.
Look at John English's 'Ada 95: the Craft of Object-Oriented Programming' chapter 4
That shouldn't be too hard to translate to plpg/Sql.
There is perhaps easier ways to do this, but this is what I've come up with.