Help. I seem to have a case of "brain lock" and can't figure out
something that I should know is simple.
Here is what I am trying to do. Let's say I have a table called
T1 with columns C1, C2, C3, C4. It contains data as follows
a 1 abcd dfg
a 2 cvfr erg
a 3 derg hbg
b 1 cccc rth
c 1 rdvg egt
c 2 derf ett
I want a SQL query that returns these rows
a 3 derg hbg
b 1 cccc rth
c 2 derf ett
All I can think of is
SELECT C1, max(C2), C3, C4 FROM T1 GROUP BY C1;
That does not work. What I really want is the values for C1, C3
and C4 that are associated with the row containing the maximum
value of C2 for each group of like C1 values. I don't even need
to know what is max(C2).
Can I join the table with itself somehow? See: "brain lock".
This should not be hard.
Chris Albertson
Home: 310-376-1029
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