Le Tuesday 04 December 2001 01:09, ranjitha ullasa a écrit :
> i am encoutering the following error while trying to create a database ,
> kindly provide the solution to this as soon as possible,
> bash-2.05$ createdb sat_demo1
> /Program Files/Mercury Interactive/LoadRunner/bin/sed.exe: Unexpected
hum, so you are not using a _normal_ linux ?
This is a pseudo_linux running under Windows ?
Not sure Everything can work on this kind of _pseudo_linux_
> End-of-file psql: connectDBStart() -- connect() failed: No such file or
> directory Is the postmaster running locally
> and accepting connections on Unix socket '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432'?
> createdb: database creation failed
This means that the postmaster is not running.
You should launch the postmaster before
( with '/etc/init.d/posgresql start' for example ) see below :
[root@waisse william]# createdb a
psql: connectDBStart() -- connect() failed: No such file or directory
Is the postmaster running at 'localhost'
and accepting connections on Unix socket '5432'?
createdb: database creation failed
[root@waisse william]# /etc/init.d/po
portmap postfix postgresql
[root@waisse william]# /etc/init.d/pos
postfix postgresql
[root@waisse william]# /etc/init.d/postgresql start
Checking postgresql installation: looks good!
Starting postgresql service: postmaster [14253]
[root@waisse william]# createdb a
[root@waisse william]#
This works all the time on a _normal_ linux.
cordialement, William WAISSE fpr = 9CCD 7DA2 7050 8805 F471 03D1 DF76 B78C
690B 4E07
Computers are like air conditionners. They work better when you close windows.
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