> 1.Which car was rented for the longest single period? (regno)
> SELECT regno, MAX(datein-dateout) "Longest Single Period" FROM rental group
> by regno;
> Although this works - it shows ALL the regno's longest periods - how would i
> just display the regno?
There's probably a better way, but if I'm getting the question you want
answered right I think these will do it.
select regno, m from rental, (select max(datein-dateout) as m from rental)
foo where m=datein-dateout;
select regno, datein-dateout from rental where datein-dateout=(select
max(datein-dateout) from rental);
> 2. Which car was rented for the longest total period? (regno)
Maybe something like this? Not entirely sure
select regno, t from (select regno, sum(datein-dateout) as t from rental
group by regno) r where t=(select max(total) from (select
sum(datein-dateout) as total from rental group by regno) foo);
> 3. Which customers (if any) were born on Monday? (surname)
> For this question i thought that this would work:
> But it never works - it says 'no rows selected'
> although there are 2 cusotmers born on Monday
> However if you put wednesday instead of monday or any other day it seems to
> work correctly
> Anyone know why this is?
To_char fills out to a given length with spaces, I'd guess that the value
is actually something like 'MONDAY '
I think you probably want the format FMDAY which should not have the