On 4 Dec 2001, Kirk Strauser wrote:
> I am using PostgreSQL-7.1.2_2 on a FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE server. I am running
> Apache on the same machine, and have a PHP website that connects to the
> PostgreSQL server on localhost. I want the user that the website connects
> as to have full permission to do anything it wants on that particular
> database, so it seemed like it would be reasonable to add to my pg_hba.conf:
> host mydatabase crypt
> This works, in general. However, I always get errors similar to:
> Warning: PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: sysusers_usersys_seq.nextval: you
> don't have permissions to set sequence sysusers_usersys_seq
> when trying to insert data into a table with a serial field. Shouldn't the
> host line allow that user full permission to create, drop, and update every
> element in the database?
IIRC, The pg_hba.conf gives the database level access permissions. You
still need to GRANT the appropriate permissions to the user (or make the
user an superuser - in which case you probably want to make sure the
user cannot log into other databases).