On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 03:25:48PM -0500, Jodi Kanter wrote:
> I need to create a diagram of our schema. I recently obtained a copy of Visio.
> Has anyone used Visio to reverse engineer a model diagram from a Postgres database??
> If not, can anyone recommend the best way to create a schema from Postgres without having to manually draw tables,
addfields, etc...
Fire up pgaccess, which is a Tcl/Tk graphical front end to PostgreSQL.
Connect to your database, and hit the 'Schema' tab. Add tables, and define
linkages by dragging and dropping. Remember to save the schema. (It's
stored in the database in a table named pga_schema)
It's not full featured, but it'll stay with the database it documents,
and follow changes. That's why I wrote it. ;-)