CVSROOT: /cvsroot Module name: pgsql Changes by: 01/11/21 00:53:42 Modified files: doc/src/sgml : advanced.sgml arch-dev.sgml arch-pg.sgml array.sgml backup.sgml biblio.sgml bki.sgml catalogs.sgml charset.sgml client-auth.sgml contacts.sgml cvs.sgml datatype.sgml datetime.sgml dfunc.sgml docguide.sgml ecpg.sgml extend.sgml func.sgml geqo.sgml gist.sgml indexcost.sgml indices.sgml info.sgml inherit.sgml intro.sgml jdbc.sgml legal.sgml libpgtcl.sgml libpq++.sgml libpq.sgml maintenance.sgml manage-ag.sgml manage.sgml mvcc.sgml nls.sgml notation.sgml odbc.sgml page.sgml perform.sgml plperl.sgml plpython.sgml plsql.sgml pltcl.sgml postgres.sgml problems.sgml protocol.sgml pygresql.sgml queries.sgml reference.ced Log message: Deprecate 'current' for date/time input. Fix up references to "PostgreSQL" rather than "Postgres". Was roughly evenly split between the two before. ref/ files not yet done.
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