*** Stephan Szabo <sszabo@megazone23.bigpanda.com> [Wednesday, 17.October.2001, 12:04 -0700]:
> create function adresses_trigger() returns opaque as '
> begin
> NEW.date_maj := now();
> return NEW;
> end;' language 'plpgsql';
> create trigger tr before update on adresses for each row execute
> procedure adresses_trigger();
why sould I use before (instead of after)?
isnt it a little dangerous in transactions? /hope not/
I know difference between both forms. The question is rather about if
timestamp updating shouldnt be run AFTER update which I think is closer
to a real world situations (of course evth vary). But maybe there are
some probles with after, which I dont know about?
Just being curious...