On Sat, Oct 20, 2001 at 04:15:56AM +0200, Gunnar Rønning wrote:
> * Marko Kreen <marko@l-t.ee> wrote:
> |
> | * driver type is researched in configure, which is the
> | right place for it.
> How do distributors that need to build all driver types proceed ?
> Compile for each platform in different environments ?
The standard is to ./configure separately whole tree
for every variant.
With my patch this can be done more easily tho':
cd src/interfaces/jdbc
make JARFILE=pg-jdbc1.jar JAVAC=javac-jdk11 clean jdbc1
make JARFILE=pg-jdbc2.jar JAVAC=javac-jdk12 clean jdbc2
CLASSPATH=j2ee.jar:... \
make JARFILE=pg-jdbc2e.jar JAVAC=javac-jdk12 clean jdbc2e
This should give a idea of what's possible. In any case they
need to set up both jdk1.1 and 1.2...
Ofcourse something like the above can be made for current
make+Ant setup.