* Tatsuo Ishii <t-ishii@sra.co.jp> [011009 18:38]:
> > - corrects a bit the UTF-8 code from Tatsuo to allow Unicode 3.1
> > characters (characters with values >= 0x10000, which are encoded on
> > four bytes).
> After applying your patches, do the 4-bytes UTF-8 convert to UCS-2 (2
> bytes) or UCS-4 (4 bytes) in pg_utf2wchar_with_len()? If it were 4
> bytes, we are in trouble. Current regex implementaion does not handle
> 4 byte width charsets.
*sigh* yes, it does encode to four bytes :(
Three solutions then :
1) we support these supplementary characters, knowing that they won't
work with regexes,
2) I back out the change, but then anyone using these characters will
get something weird, since the decoding would be faulty (they would
be handled as 3 bytes UTF-8 chars, and then the fourth byte would
become a "faulty char"... not very good, as the 3-byte version is
still not a valid UTF-8 code !),
3) we fix the regex engine within the next 24 hours, before the beta
deadline is activated :/
I must say that I doubt that anyone will use these characters in the
next few months : these are mostly chinese extended characters, with
old italic, deseret, and gothic scripts, and bysantine and western
musical symbols, as well as the mathematical alphanumerical symbols.
I would prefer solution 1), as I think it is better to allow these
characters, even with a temporary restriction on the regex, than to
fail completely on them. As for solution 3), we may still work at it
in the next few months :) [I haven't even looked at the regex engine
yet, so I don't know the implications of what I have just said !]
What do you think ?
Patrice Hédé
email: patrice hede à islande org
www : http://www.islande.org/