CVSROOT: /cvsroot
Module name: pgsql
Changes by: 01/09/23 00:12:44
Modified files:
contrib/pgcrypto: Makefile README.pgcrypto crypt-blowfish.c
openssl.c pgcrypto.c pgcrypto.h px-crypt.c px-crypt.h px.h
Added files:
contrib/pgcrypto: API crypt-gensalt.c random.c
Log message:
Big thanks to Solar Designer who pointed out a bug in bcrypt
salt generation code. He also urged using better random source
and making possible to choose using bcrypt and xdes rounds more
easily. So, here's patch:
* For all salt generation, use Solar Designer's own code. This
is mostly due fact that his code is more fit for get_random_bytes()
style interface.
* New function: gen_salt(type, rounds). This lets specify iteration
count for algorithm.
* random.c: px_get_random_bytes() function.
Supported randomness soure: /dev/urandom, OpenSSL PRNG, libc random()
Default: /dev/urandom.
* Draft description of C API for pgcrypto functions.
New files: API, crypt-gensalt.c, random.c
Marko Kreen