CVSROOT: /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot
Module name: pgsql
Changes by: 01/08/13 17:34:54
Modified files:
doc/src/sgml : xplang.sgml
doc/src/sgml/ref: create_function.sgml create_language.sgml
src/backend/parser: gram.y
src/bin/scripts: droplang
Log message:
Make LANCOMPILER clause in CREATE LANGUAGE optional. Allow "identifier"
syntax for language names (instead of 'string').
createlang now handles the case where a second language uses the same call
handler as an already installed language (e.g., plperl/plperlu).
droplang now handles the reverse case, i.e., dropping a language where
the call handler is still used by another language. Moreover, droplang
can now be used to drop any user-defined language, not just the supplied