because of general weirdness, we translated all "--" in our original data
to "==" so postgres wouldn't drop it off as a comment (still haven't
figured that one out)...
to restore it to its original glory, we tried
inv=# update _invitem set descr=
inv-# substring(descr from 1 for position('==' in descr)-1)||'--'||substring(descr from position('==' in descr)+2)
inv-# where descr like '%==%';
ERROR: system column oid not available - inv is a view
inv=# \d _invitem
Table "_invitem"
Attribute | Type | Modifier
id | integer |
item | smallint |
hrs | numeric(4,1) |
rate | numeric(6,2) |
other | numeric(7,2) |
descr | varchar(80) |
inv=# select count(*) from _invitem where descr like '%==%';
there is a view named "inv" -- but how's that related to this
straght table update?
inv=# \d
List of relations
Name | Type | Owner
_charge | table | will
_client | table | will
_inv | table | will
_invitem | table | will
_job | table | will
_work | table | will
inv | view | will
(7 rows)
inv=# \d inv
View "inv"
Attribute | Type | Modifier
client | varchar(8) |
id | integer |
code | varchar(20) |
rundate | date |
job | varchar(6) |
invdate | date |
costs | boolean |
total | numeric(7,2) |
item | smallint |
hrs | numeric(4,1) |
rate | numeric(6,2) |
other | numeric(7,2) |
descr | varchar(80) |
amt | numeric(65535,65531) |
View definition: SELECT b.client,, b.code, b.rundate, b.job, b.invdate, b.costs,, l.item, l.hrs, l.rate,
l.other,l.descr, CASE WHEN (l.rate ISNULL) THEN l.other ELSE (l.rate * l.hrs) END AS amt FROM "_inv" b, "_invitem" l
I figure: if a man's gonna gamble, may as well do it
without plowing. -- Bama Dillert, "Some Came Running" -- we need your brain! -- your brain needs us!