7.1.1 Lock Problems on Views - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Brian Powell
Subject 7.1.1 Lock Problems on Views
Msg-id 200105311532.JAA16968@sisyphus.owlscreech.com
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Responses Re: 7.1.1 Lock Problems on Views
List pgsql-sql

I am investigating whether our application will run on 7.1.1 (from 
7.0.3), and our client software only accesses the database through views 
for security and convenience.

In our client app, we lock our table before doing something to it.  
Fortunately, in 7.0.3, a view looked like a table and we could perform:

lock v_whatever in share row exclusive mode;

However, in 7.1.1, it comes back and tells me that:

ERROR:  LOCK TABLE: v_whatever is not a table

The HUGE advantage in 7.0.3 was that we could present our db through 
views and the client didn't have to know.

I tried to put the lock statements into the rule of each view when the 
rule does the actual work, such as:

create rule v_whatever_insert as on insert to v_whatever  do instead (    lock whatever in share row exclusive mode;
insertinto whatever (blah) values (new.blah);  );

However, the view won't be created, it claims there is a syntax error.

So, with 7.1.1, how can I create views and lock the data when modifying 
the table?



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