I'm using postgresql-7.1RC4 (BTW: are there any changes in the release
(regression tests were OK)
The following script crashes the backend (when run with psql).
A similar query (using libpq++) returns 0 rows after FETCH 1[... till
end] ... MOVE BACKWARD ALL ... FECTH 1 ...
(Which seems to be correct)
BTW: Is it o.k. to use MOVE to re-use a query ? Or is there no speed
benefit ?
CREATE TABLE a (id_a int primary key, a text);
CREATE TABLE b (id_a int references a, b text);
INSERT INTO a values (1, 'a');
INSERT INTO a values (2, 'b');
INSERT INTO a values (3, 'c');
INSERT INTO b values (1, '1');
INSERT INTO b values (1, '2');
INSERT INTO b values (2, '1');
INSERT INTO b values (2, '2');
INSERT INTO b values (3, '1');
INSERT INTO b values (3, '2');
SELECT * from a natural left join b;
CREATE VIEW demo AS SELECT * from a natural left join b;
DECLARE my_portal CURSOR FOR SELECT * from demo;
FETCH 1 in my_portal;
MOVE BACKWARD ALL in my_portal;
FETCH 1 in my_portal;
psql -f demo.sql
psql:demo.sql:2: NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit
index 'a_pkey' for table 'a'
psql:demo.sql:3: NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s)
for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
INSERT 178874 1
INSERT 178875 1
INSERT 178876 1
INSERT 178877 1
INSERT 178878 1
INSERT 178879 1
INSERT 178880 1
INSERT 178881 1
INSERT 178882 1
id_a | a | b
1 | a | 1
1 | a | 2
2 | b | 1
2 | b | 2
3 | c | 1
3 | c | 2
(6 rows)
id_a | a | b
1 | a | 1
(1 row)
psql:demo.sql:18: pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel
This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
psql:demo.sql:18: connection to server was lost
Nabil Sayegh