"Binary RPMs are currently available for i386 and PowerPC.
Distributions supported are RedHat 6.x, RedHat 7.0, TurboLinux 6.0.4,
SuSE 7.0, SuSE 6.4, Caldera OpenLinux eServer 2.3 (NOT eDesktop 2.4 --
there are differences!), and LinuxPPC-2000. Source RPMs for
RedHat-style systems are in SRPMs, SuSE-style source RPMs are in
SuSE-7.0, and Caldera source RPMs (works on most older RPM versions --
pre-3.0 RPM considered old) in OpenLinux-eServer-2.3. All of these can
be found in the ftp server's RPM section."
Why don't run the pgsql 7.0.3 on the OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4, only on the
eServer 2.3?