I'm building a script to create the tables in my database. Everything
works fine except one thing with this part of my script:
create table tbl_resume_free_text_type (type_id int, type text
-- insert into tbl_resume_free_text_type (type_id, type) values (1, 'Hobbies');
-- insert into tbl_resume_free_text_type (type_id, type) values (2, 'Special Talents');
If I uncomment the two insert statements I get an error message
stating that tbl_resume_free_text_type doesn't exist. With the lines
commented out the table gets created (and the rest of the script runs
error-free) and I can manually insert these rows afterwards without a
problem... I'm running PSQL 7.0.3. Any ideas?
Jamu Kakar (Developer) Expressus Design Studio, Inc.
jkakar@expressus.com 708-1641 Lonsdale Avenue
V: (604) 903-6999 North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2J5