| > A vacuum without the analyze gives the error
| > ERROR: No one parent tuple was found
| I think you might be getting bit by the same bug that was biting Alfred
| Perlstein a month or so back. Try 7.0.3 and see if it's any better...
| if not, let me know and we'll probe deeper.
| (Marc hasn't officially announced 7.0.3 yet, but to the best of my
| knowledge the release-candidate tarballs currently available from our
| FTP server will be it.)
I've upgraded to 7.0.3, now I get...
c2net=> vacuum verbose analyze some_table;
NOTICE: --Relation some_table--
It's been sitting like that for about half an hour now. There's only
about 3000 records in that table.
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called
upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
-- Oscar Wilde