> I do feel strongly about this ... 7.0.3 was considered in a release state
> *before* it was committed, pending your docs changes ... personally, if we
> leave this in contrib, my vote is to hold off the release a suitable
> amount of time for testing purposes ... Jan has added a new feature that
> nobody had any pre-warning about, not even other developers in the same
> company as he is in ... not a good precedent :(
To me the whole point of the contrib directory is as a place for
stuff that is not officially part of the release, but that somebody
might find interesting or even useful. If we start enforcing
elaborate rules about what can go in there, then we will need
another place to put stuff that doesn't fit those rules but might
nonetheless be interesting or even useful. Where does it end?
This is a vote for leaving the addition in place. It is also a
vote for clarifying that contrib is, specifically, the place to
to put potentially useful things that have not been officially
qualified. The distinction is made to relieve pressure to add
insufficiently-considered features to the release proper, a
function contrib can serve only if it is allowed to.
Nathan Myers