I have written a servlet to connectto a PostgreSQL database on Linux 6.2.
I am using JdbcOdbcDriver. When I am running the servlet from JSWDK on
Windows NT , it works fine .
But when I try to run it from JSWDK on Linux , it gives an exception "No Suitable Driver".
My code is like this:
the .odbc.ini file is kept in "/" directory and it is:
[ODBC Data Sources]
cards = PostgreSQL
Driver = /usr/local/pgsql/lib/libpgsqlodbc.so.1
Database = cards
UID = anuj
Host = localhost
Port = 5432
The error is coming in when I try to do getConnection.
If anybody could help me in this, please. I believe there must be something wrong in Configuration,as the same code
worksfrom JWSDK on NT.
Anuj Paul
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