* Chris Bitmead <chrisb@nimrod.itg.telstra.com.au> [000711 20:53] wrote:
> Seems a lot trickier than you think. A backend can only be running
> one transaction at a time, so you'd have to keep track of which backends
> are in the middle of a transaction. I can imagine race conditions here.
> And backends can have contexts that are set by various clients using
> SET and friends. Then you'd have to worry about authentication each
> time. And you'd have to have algorithms for cleaning up old processes
> and/or dead processes. It all really sounds a bit hard.
The backends can simply inform the postmaster when they are ready
either because they are done with a connection or because they
have just closed a transaction.
All the state (auth/temp tables) can be held in the system tables.
It's complicated, but no where on the order of something like
a new storage manager.