Thanks for the advice so far, but I ran into another
I made what I thought was a fine object file that I
wanted to import as a function with:
CREATE FUNCTION addtwo(int4) returns int4 as
'/var/lib/pgsql/functions/' language 'c';
Everything seemed to be fine until I go to use the
function, called addtwo(int4):
select addtwo(7) as number;
ERROR: Load of file /var/lib/pgsql/functions/
failed: /var/lib/pgsql/functions/ ELF file's
phentsize not the expected size
here is my C code (tmp.c):
#include <pgsql/postgres.h>
int4 addtwo(int4);
int4 addtwo(int4 arg)
and I used:
gcc -c tmp.c -o
to compile.
To make sure it was working outside of PG I did a
seperate C file which called the function and that
worked by compiling the test C file like:
gcc test.c
and the function call defined in worked fine
Thanks again,
Jeff Davis
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