"Oliver Elphick" wrote: >[Version: CVS as of yesterday] >When I create a table that inherits from another table that
usesforeign >keys, I get something like this: > > ERROR: cache lookup of attribute 10 in relation 124171 failed >
>Thisis happening in get_attribute_name() of backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
Here is an SQL script that makes this happen:
create database newj with encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';
\connect newj
create table person
( id char(10) primary key, name text not null, address
int, salutation text default 'Dear Sir', envelope text, email
text, www text
create table individual
( gender char(1) check (gender = 'M' or gender = 'F'
or gender is null), born datetime check ((born >= '1 Jan 1880'
and born <= 'today') or born is null), surname text, forenames text, title
text, old_surname text, mobile text, ni_no text, constraint
is_namedcheck (not (surname isnull and forenames isnull))
) inherits (person);
create table organisation
( contact char(10) references individual (id) match full, structure char(1)
check(structure='L' or structure='C' or structure='U' or structure='O')
) inherits (person);
create table customer
( acs_code char(8), acs_addr int, class char(1) default '',
type char(2), area char(2), country char(2), vat_class char(1),
vat_number char(12), discount numeric(6,3) check (discount >= -50.0::numeric(6,3)
and discount <= 50.0)::numeric(6,3), commission bool default 'f',
status char(1) default '', deliver_to int, factor_code text
) inherits (organisation);
Table customer does not get created; instead, I get:
ERROR: cache lookup of attribute 10 in relation <some_oid> failed