Re: BUG #5216: pgFouine 1.1 not working correctly, when LC_MESSAGES is "es_ES.UTF-8" - Mailing list pgsql-bugs


On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 4:15 AM, Henrik Pestano <> wrote:
> I have a problem with the parameter LC_MESSAGES, where its value is
> es_ES.UTF-8 (Spanish), the pgFouine 1.1 not work correctly, because csvlog
> generates a column "duraci=F3n: 0138 ms sentencia: SELECT format_type (oi=
> 54) as typname pg_type FROM WHERE oid =3D 1043" and pgFouine not understa=
> the words "duraci=F3n" and "sentencia". This information can be in two
> columns.

Please note that pgsql-bugs mailing list is for PostgreSQL bugs only.

pgFouine doesn't support lc_message other than english. It's usually
considered a good practice to keep your logs in english as it's far
easier to find useful information on the internet with a log message
in english.

I suppose you could use a sed line to translate your logs before
analyzing them with pgFouine.


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