I attempt the following in an applet named PWEntry.class and in an application named TextInterface.class to connect to a local postgres database named ctfilm as user Paul with no password:
This works fine from command line application; trying to load the applet into Netscape produces this error:
netscape.security.AppletSecurityException: security.Couldn't connect to '' with origin from 'local-classpath-classes'.
The line in my html is: <APPLET CODE = "PWEntry.class"> </APPLET>
I'm using Apache. Environment variable CLASSPATH contains the path of the html file calling the applet, which is /var/www/html/Yvonne. In httpd.conf, I have the following lines:
<Directory /var/www/html/Yvonne> Options All Multiviews Allow Override None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>
I am now out of my depth, and would be grateful for any assistance anyone can throw my way.