> > So, it is still a mystery for me....
> You probably need the locale for sorting the single character letters
> but you don't want the collation values of the multiple character ones.
> I think you're probably going to need to get an alternate locale
> file but I'm not sure what's involved in that outside of postgres.
> For postgres you'd need to dump, initdb under the new locale and restore
> probably.
[Vig, Sandor]
I'll overwrite the hu_HU collocation file with the en_EN one. It is
a sollution, it just corrects the problem. Do you guys find it OK,
have such an effect? Should we say:
All Hungarian -and other non standard ANSI- users should expect
"order by problems" due the locale settings.?
I suggest to have -at least- a patch for such problem, or a special
postmaster switch, where an alternate collocation file could be
specified. I must work with DB2, and there is a lot of anoing side
with the country selections. f.e.: No codepage translation between
Hungarian and German settings, locale-ized client full with bugs,
It would be great, not to have these things in Postgresql.
At the end, I want to thank you all for your help. I must say,
Postgresql is still my favourite DBM.
Vig Sandor